Thursday, May 21, 2020

CEH: Identifying Services & Scanning Ports | Gathering Network And Host Information | NMAP

CEH scanning methodology is the important step i.e. scanning for open ports over a network. Port is the technique used to scan for open ports. This methodology performed for the observation of the open and close ports running on the targeted machine. Port scanning gathered a valuable information about  the host and the weakness of the system more than ping sweep.

Network Mapping (NMAP)

Basically NMAP stands for Network Mapping. A free open source tool used for scanning ports, service detection, operating system detection and IP address detection of the targeted machine. Moreover, it performs a quick and efficient scanning a large number of machines in a single session to gathered information about ports and system connected to the network. It can be used over UNIX, LINUX and Windows.

There are some terminologies which we should understand directly whenever we heard like Open ports, Filtered ports and Unfiltered ports.

Open Ports means the target machine accepts incoming request on that port cause these ports are used to accept packets due to the configuration of TCP and UDP.

Filtered ports means the ports are usually opened but due to firewall or network filtering the nmap doesn't detect the open ports.

Unfiltered means the nmap is unable to determine whether the port is open or filtered  while the port is accessible.

Types Of NMAP Scan

Scan TypeDescription
Null Scan This scan is performed by both an ethical hackers and black hat hackers. This scan is used to identify the TCP port whether it is open or closed. Moreover, it only works over UNIX  based systems.
TCP connectThe attacker makes a full TCP connection to the target system. There's an opportunity to connect the specifically port which you want to connect with. SYN/ACK signal observed for open ports while RST/ACK signal observed for closed ports.
ACK scanDiscovering the state of firewall with the help ACK scan whether it is stateful or stateless. This scan is typically used for the detection of filtered ports if ports are filtered. Moreover, it only works over the UNIX based systems.
Windows scanThis type of scan is similar to the ACK scan but there is ability to detect an open ports as well filtered ports.
SYN stealth scanThis malicious attack is mostly performed by attacker to detect the communication ports without making full connection to the network.
This is also known as half-open scanning. 


All NMAP Commands 

CommandsScan Performed
-sTTCP connect scan
-sSSYN scan
-sFFIN scan
-sXXMAS tree scan
-sNNull scan
-sPPing scan
-sUUDP scan
-sOProtocol scan
-sAACK scan
-sWWindow scan
-sRRPC scan
-sLList/DNS scan
-sIIdle scan
-PoDon't ping
-PTTCP ping
-PSSYN ping
-PIICMP ping
-PBICMP and TCP ping
-PBICMP timestamp
-PMICMP netmask
-oNNormal output
-oXXML output
-oGGreppable output
-oAAll output
-T ParanoidSerial scan; 300 sec between scans
-T SneakySerial scan; 15 sec between scans
-T PoliteSerial scan; .4 sec between scans
-T NormalParallel scan
-T AggressiveParallel scan, 300 sec timeout, and 1.25 sec/probe
-T InsaneParallel scan, 75 sec timeout, and .3 sec/probe


How to Scan

You can perform nmap scanning over the windows command prompt followed by the syntax below. For example, If you wanna scan the host with the IP address using a TCP connect scan type, enter this command:

nmap –sT

nmap -sT

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Networking | Switching And Routing | Tutorial 1 | 2018

Welcome to my new series of tutorials about networking. Moreover in this series I'll discuss briefly each and every thing related to routing and switching. After that you will able to pass an exam of HCNA, CCNA etc. First of all you have to know which software is used by which company such as Huawei used its own software named eNSP while Cisco used its own software named Cisco Packet Tracer. After that you have to know that how to download and install both of the software in your computer systems. So the purpose of this blog is to give you people an overview about how to download and install both of them.

What is a Network? 

First of all we must have to know about what is a network. So the network is the interconnection of two or more than two devices in such a way that they can communicate each other. In computer networks we can say that the interconnection of two or more than two end devices (computer, laptops, printers etc) for the sake of sending and receiving some amount of data is known as computer network.

What is Internet?  

The very simple and easily understandable definition of a internet is "The network of networks". Now what is meant by that? When different networks from the different areas or at the same areas wanna communicate with each other then internet formed. So we can say that "Internet is the interconnection of different networks in such a way that networks can communicate with each other".

   But with Slackware, you use sudo python3 to run TorghostNG :v

    You can combine multiple choices at the same time, such as:
  • torghostng -s -m INTERFACE: Changing MAC address before connecting
  • torghostng -c -m INTERFACE: Checking IP address and changing MAC address
  • torghostng -s -x: Connecting to Tor anh then stop :v
  • ...
   If you have any questions, you can watch this tutorial videos ๐Ÿ™‚
   I hope you will love it ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

How to update TorghostNG
   Open Terminal and type sudo torghostng -u with sudo to update TorghostNG, but it will download new TorghostNG to /root, because you're running it as root. If you don't like that, you can type git pull -f and sudo python3

Notes before you use Tor
   Tor can't help you completely anonymous, just almost:
   It's recommended that you should use NoScript before before surfing the web with Tor. NoScript shall block JavaScript/Java/Flash scripts on websites to make sure they won't reveal your real identify.

And please
  • Don't spam or perform DoS attacks with Tor. It's not effective, you will only make Tor get hated and waste Tor's money.
  • Don't torrent over Tor. If you want to keep anonymous while torrenting, use a no-logs VPN please.
   Bittorrent over Tor isn't a good idea
   Not anonymous: attack reveals BitTorrent users on Tor network

Changes log
   Version 1.2
  • Fixed update_commands and others in
  • Changed a few things in
  • Changed a few things in
  • Now you can change Tor circuit with -r
   Version 1.1
  • Check your IPv6
  • Change all "TOR" to "Tor"
  • Block BitTorrent traffic
  • Auto disable IPv6 before connecting to Tor

Contact to the coder

To-do lists:
  • Block torrent, for you - Tor network (Done ๐Ÿ˜ƒ)
  • Connect to IPv6 relays (maybe?)
  • GUI version
  • Fix bug, improve TorghostNG (always)

And finally: You can help me by telling me if you find any bugs or issues. Thank you for using my tool ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Group Instant Messaging: Why Blaming Developers Is Not Fair But Enhancing The Protocols Would Be Appropriate

After presenting our work at Real World Crypto 2018 [1] and seeing the enormous press coverage, we want to get two things straight: 1. Most described weaknesses are only exploitable by the malicious server or by knowing a large secret number and thereby the protocols are still very secure (what we wrote in the paper but some newspapers did not adopt) and 2. we see ways to enhance the WhatsApp protocol without breaking its features.

We are of course very happy that our research reached so many people and even though IT security and cryptography are often hard to understand for outsiders, Andy Greenberg [2], Patrick Beuth [3] and other journalists [4,5,6,7,8] wrote articles that were understandable on the one hand and very accurate and precise on the other hand. In contrast to this, we also saw some inaccurate articles [9,10] that fanned fear and greatly diverged in their description from what we wrote in our paper. We expected this from the boulevard press in Germany and therefore asked them to stick to the facts when they were contacting us. But none of the worst two articles' [9,10] authors contacted us in advance. Since our aim was never to blame any application or protocol but rather we wanted to encourage the developers to enhance the protocols, it contradicts our aim that WhatsApp and Signal are partially declared attackable by "anyone" "easily" [9,10].

Against this background, we understand Moxie's vexation about certain headlines that were on the Internet in the last days [11]. However, we believe that the ones who understand the weaknesses, comprehend that only the malicious server can detectably make use of them (in WhatsApp) or the secret group ID needs to be obtained from a member (in Signal). As such, we want to make clear that our paper does not primarily focus on the description of weaknesses but presents a new approach for analyzing and evaluating the security of group instant messaging protocols. Further we propose measures to enhance the analyzed protocols. The description of the protocols' weaknesses is only one part of the evaluation of our analysis approach and thereby of the investigation of real world protocols. This is the scientific contribution of our paper. The practical contribution of the analyzed messengers, which is the communication confidentiality for billion users (in most cases), is great and should be noted. Therefore we believe that being Signal, WhatsApp, or Threema by applying encryption to all messages and consequently risking research with negative results is much better than being a messenger that does not encrypt group messages end-to-end at all. We do not want to blame messengers that are far less secure (read Moxie's post [11] if you are interested).

Finally we want note that applying security measures according to the ticket approach (as we call it in the paper [12]) to the invitation links would solve the issues that Facebook's security head mentioned in his reply [13] on our findings. To our knowledge, adding authenticity to group update messages would not affect invitation links: If no invitation link was generated for a group, group members should only accept joining users if they were added by an authentic group update message. As soon as a group invitation link was generated, all joining users would need to be accepted as new group members with the current design. However there are plenty ways how WhatsApp could use invitation links without endowing the server with the power to manage groups without the group admins' permission:
One approach would be generating the invitation links secretly and sharing them without the knowledge of the server. An invitation link could then contain a secret ticket for the group and the ID of the group. As soon as a user, who received the link, wants to join the group, she can request the server with the group ID to obtain all current group members. The secret ticket can now be sent to all existing group members encrypted such that the legitimate join can be verified.

Of course this would require engineering but the capability of WhatsApp, shipping drastic protocol updates, can be assumed since they applied end-to-end encryption in the first place.


Further articles:
- Matthew Green's blog post:
- Schneier on Security:
- Bild:
- Sun:
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How To Pass Your Online Accounts After Death – 3 Methods

The topic of DEATH is not one that most people care to talk about, but the truth is that we are all going to die at some point and everything that we did online is going to end up in limbo if we don't make sure that someone we trust is going to be able to gain access to this information. This is going to be extremely important in order to close it down, or have your loved one do whatever you want them to do with your information. There are many things to take into consideration for this kind of situation. If you are like the average modern person, you probably have at least one email account, a couple of social media accounts in places like Facebook and Twitter. Perhaps you also have a website that you run or a blog. These are all very common things that people will usually do at some point and if you have anything that you consider valuable, you should have a way to leave it in the hands of someone you trust when you pass away.

Pass Accounts and Passwords After Death
Pass Accounts and Passwords After Death

Maybe you have an online platform that has a lot of content that you find useful and important. Perhaps you have even been able to turn some of that content into monetizable material and you don't want this to end when you pass away. This is more than enough of a reason to make sure that your information can be given to someone when you are no longer around.
There have been many cases when all the information has ended up being impossible to recover when a person has died, at least not without the need for the family members to do all kinds of things in order to prove a person is deceased. So here are some ways, you can passyour online accounts/data after death:

1) Making a Safe 'WILL' (or Locker) containing master password.

  1. Make an inventory of all your online accounts and list them on a piece of paper one by one and give it to your loved one. For eg:– Your primary email address
    – Your Facebook ID/email
    – The Bank account or Internet banking ID
    – etc. To clarify, it will be only a list of the accounts you want your loved one to be able to access after you're dead. Just the list of accounts, nothing else (no passwords).
  2. Set up a brand new e-mail address (Possibly Gmail account). Lets say
  3. Now from your usual email account, Send an e-mail to, with the following content:– dd349r4yt9dfj
    – sd456pu3t9p4
    – s2398sds4938523540
    – djfsf4p These are, of course, the passwords and account numbers that you want your loved one to have once you're dead.
  4. Tell your loved one that you did these things, and while you're at it, send him/her an e-mail from, so he/she will have the address handy in some special folder in his/her inbox.
  5. Put the password for in your will or write it down on paper and keep it safe in your bank locker. Don't include the e-mail address as well, just put something like "The password is: loveyourhoney432d".
And its done! Your loved one will only have the password once you're dead, and the info is also secure, since it's split in two places that cannot be easily connected, so if the e-mail address happens to be hacked, the perpetrator won't be able to use it to steal anything that you're going to leave for your loved one.

2) Preparing a Future email (SWITCH) containing login information

This method is very similar to the first one except in this case we will not be using a WILL or Locker. Instead we will be using a Service called "Dead Mans Switch" that creates a switch (Future email) and sends it to your recipients after a particular time interval. Here is how it works.
  1. Create a list of accounts as discussed in the first method and give it to your loved one.
  2. Register on "Dead mans switch" and create a switch containing all the corresponding passwords and enter the recipients email (Your loved one).
  3. Your switch will email you every so often, asking you to show that you are fine by clicking a link. If something happens to you, your switch would then send the email you wrote to the recipient you specified. Sort of an "electronic will", one could say.

3) Using password managers that have emergency access feature

Password managers like LastPass and Dashlane have a feature called as "emergency access".  It functions as a dead man's switch. You just have to add your loved one to your password manager, with emergency access rights. he/She does not see any of your information, nor can he/she log into your accounts normally.
But if the worst happens, your loved one can invoke the emergency access option. Next your password manager sends an email to you and starts a timer. If, after a certain amount of time interval, you have not refused the request, then your loved one gets full access to your password manager.
You can always decide what they can potentially gain access to, and you set the time delay.

Why should i bother about passing my digital legacy?

Of all the major online platforms, only Google and Facebook have provisions for Inactiveaccounts (in case of death). Google lets you plan for the inevitable ahead of time. Using the "Inactive Account Manager", you can designate a beneficiary who will inherit access to any or all of your Google accounts after a specified period of inactivity (the default is 3 months).
Facebook on the other hand will either delete your inactive account or turn it into a memorial page when their family can provide any proof of their death, but there is also a large number of platforms that don't have any specific way for people to be able to verify the death of a loved one in order to gain access to the accounts. In either case, you wouldn't want your family to have to suffer through any hassles and complications after you have passed away.
You should also consider the importance of being able to allow your loved ones to collect all the data you left behind. This means photos and experiences that can be used to show other generations the way that you lived and the kind of things you enjoyed doing.
Those memories are now easier to keep and the best photos can be downloaded for the purpose of printing them for photo albums or frames. Allowing them to have the chance to do this in a practical way is going to be a great gesture and securing any profitable information is going to be essential if you want a business or idea to keep moving forward with the help of those you trust.
This is the reason why you need to be able to pass your online account information after death, but no one wants to give access to this kind of information to their loved ones because it's of a private nature and we would feel uneasy knowing that others can access our private conversations or message.
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